Trike Repairs - XT-912 weld/tube crack
This album is a collection of photos showing the dismantling and reassemble (eventually) of my trike during the repair of my fork carrier due to a recent Service Bulletin from the manufacturer. Dismantling began 4th February. Delays caused by lack of gas for powder coating. MISSION C...Tags: airborne, xt, 912, fork, carrier, repairs
Tags: Service, alert, bulletin, rotax, 912, cylinder, head
Tags: Rotax, 912, sun n fun
Top oil cooler on 912 is loose!!
Just going over a new to me trike and found this oil cooler mount to be pretty loose! Thought I would post to benefit anyone else with this type of setup.Tags: oil cooler, 912, rotax
Tags: clipper, 582, air creation, dta, 912, red, yellow, parked, night, Feature Me
Trike Maintenance and Resources
Tags: Maintenance, Rotax, 912, 582, 503, HKS, Hirth, Engine, Service Bulletin
Rotax 912 Fuel Pump Service Bulletin SB-912-063 June 24 2013
Rotax announces new Service Bulletin SB-912-063 This Service Bulletin recommends the replacement of 912 series fuel pumps with a part number of 892546 and 892 542. Fuel pumps which have pre-installed fuel lines and fire sleeve will need to have the fuel lines transferred from the original fuel...Tags: Rotax, Service Bulletin, Fuel Pump, 912, required, rotax-owner, engines, service bulletin, engines click
My New (used) Airborne Streak 3 wing
I want to fly faster - so now my trike has had a birthday and is adorned with a new wing - an Airborne Streak 3. Recently a friend and I drove 3,331km (return) to inspect buy and return with this wing - well worth the effort I think. It still waits to be flown for it's maiden, as t...Tags: airborne, trike, xt, 912, streak, 3, wing
Rotax announces REVISED Service Instructions: 912-016, 914, 912i. Suitable Operating Fluids/Oil/Fuel
Rotax announces REVISED Service Instruction: SI-912-016 Revision 6 SI-914-018 Revision 6 SI-912i-001 Revision 1 From Rotax email 9/23/13: Rotax has announced a revision to its Service Instruction covering the proper "Select...Tags: Rotax, REVISED Service Instruction, 912, 914, 912i, Suitable Operating Fluids, Oil, Fuel, Gas, Petrol, following, regarding, relevant, information, fuels
Tags: Rotax, Service Bulletin, SB-912-064, SB-914-045, crankshaft journal, 912, 914, engines, operators, affected, hours, inspection, requirement