Cross-Country Trikers

Cross-Country Trikers

A group for Trikers around the world who are interested in Long Distance trike flights.


Weather on the Go-- Does it promote Risk Taking?: Revision

Last updated by XC Triker

Categories: Trike Talk, Tech, Equipment, Training / Learning to Fly a Trike, Safety, Weather

I think so to some extent.


By Stephen Pope / Published: Jan 07, 2013 Flying  (



It's hard to overstate the benefits of having access to a wealth of weather-related information in flight. Armed with a full arsenal of datalink weather capability, onboard weather radar and lightning strike detection gear (not to mention what we can often see in front of us with our own eyes), pilots today are able to fly more trips with greater confidence than ever before. 

For strategic decision-making, the datalink weather information that we can call up in flight is a true boon to safety. When conditions turn out to be worse than forecast, we can see the location of fronts and storm systems hundreds of miles away and plan accordingly. There’s no telling how many lives have been saved or bad situations avoided because of datalink weather gear. Without question, the technology has changed the way we fly for the better. 

Still, as is the case with any advanced cockpit capability, there are caveats to consider.  Full Article HERE