Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!

New Panoramic Ball Camera coming-- Imagine the Pics we can get from a trike with this baby

By XC Triker Comments (1)

Categories: Photography


  • RizzyWizzy

    On the tv program "Shark Tank" this guy brought a new invention. It is an App called Cycloramic and it lets you take a panoramic image using nothing but your cell phone. What it does is. If you put your camera on a flat surface, it uses the phone vibrations to turn your phone in a very measured way and lets you take the panoramic picture in 3d. It doesn't matter what phone it is. If it can stand straight up on a flat surface. The app measures how much of the vibration will be needed to turn the phone in a circle. Talk about technology. I don't own a fancy phone but I was very impressed.